Sunday, April 19, 2009

an echo

As might be apparent by the naming of this blog, I have always had a deep connection to versions of myself. I think as kids, we always dream of who we will become, but this relationship with future and past Janey's is an important one for me, and I've wished on many occasions I could have an experience like that Bruce Willis movie, go give my former selves a big old hug, and tell them what they needed to hear, remind my future selves of what they have forgotten. Today, I had what will likely be the closest I get to that happening.

Five years ago, my 17 year old self wrote a letter to her 22 year old self as an assignment for a high school psychology class. My teacher kept them until now, and mailed them the other day. When I opened it up this evening, not recognizing the writing on the envelope as my own, I was a little overwhelmed by a sense of love for myself and everything and everyone who has been apart of my path up to this point.
This letter came as some wonderful proof that every day I am making the choice to be the person I have always wanted to be, and such choices on a small scale have amounted to a lot. It feels very good to know you are on the right path.

Here is one of the best hopes of my 17 year old self:
"remember: be known for your smiles, love, and love with courage, even when its not being given, don't regret not having loved. "

If I am thankful for anything, it is that this is not a lesson I have forgotten.

May you love with a lion's heart,

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