Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kissing Cowardly Lions

I'm am concerned that I am getting stuck in a karmic pattern of loving scared men and I can't say I am fond of it one bit.

If there is one thing in this world I think is a complete waste of time it is having low self esteem. I could be considered somewhat of an expert on the matter and as someone who has made it to the other side, I would like to recommend that anyone struggling with this to knock it off. right now. seriously.
(I know, easier said than done, alas.)

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of compassion for it. If you get a drink or two in me and then tell me about someone who doesn't like themselves that much, I have actually been known to cry.
Yes, self esteem issues feel complex and complicated and heavy when you have them, but perhaps the secret is also knowing that they are completely moronic! The catch twenty-two is that feeling bad about yourself is often the complete and only cause of the problems which you feel bad about! One of my greatest hopes for the world is that no one will waste their time and life and heart on feeling bad about themselves.

I have to say that NOT doubting yourself, or disliking yourself, or thinking that you suck is pretty much completely wonderful. However it is not without its problems, because not feeling bad about who you are will cause you to be genuine, warm, loving, mindful, kind, and respectful of others. Apparently if those 'others' happen to be part of the majority of folks who still don't believe in and love themselves, then you too may be "terrifying". argh!

This has happened to me twice in the past two months and it really sucks. Every being has more than enough reasons to love themselves, and attract good love into their lives. And once attracted, it is reasonable to accept this good love too! I know I should understand, but I find it hard to fathom why anyone wouldn't want that.

My friend said to me that he always thought that people like Gandhi and Mother Theresa secretly hated the rest of humanity because they just didn't get it. There is some truth in that. I don't think its hate, but when you are able to see the best potential and buddha nature in those who can't, it is certainly frustrating!
Can we all just recognize that we're wonderful, knock off the games, and have a fun and soulful time today?

If we can learn anything from the cowardly lion its that he had the heart the whole time. come on.

love (yeah, I'm not afraid to say it.),

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