Monday, June 30, 2008

Janey and the Giant Peach.

I am fond of the question: "If you were a (blank) what would you be?".
When lost in thought the other afternoon, I realized my uncanny similarity to a peach.
If I were a fruit, I would be a peach. undoubtedly.
There are many reasons for this:
a. I bruise like a peach. Physically, yes, I always manage to be covered in bruises from running into kennel doors at the shelter, corners, etc. However this fact is also true about me emotionally. I am sensitive. logical and rational yes, but I get hurt. I get involved. I love. I am invested. I do not have a thick protective outer shell.
b. Peaches have nearly indestructible pits, and I similarly have a nearly indestructible heart. Yes, I bruise easily, however my center is strong. My Buddha nature is unshakable now. It is this center which gives me the faith to live with great courage and love. It allows me to role out of the safety of the fruit bowl, off of the table, and on to adventure!
c. peaches are magical. See James and the Giant Peach. I am not 'magical' magical, but my transformation into buddhahood, certainly feels that way sometimes.
d. Peaches are sweet but not overpowering, flavorful, and distinct but can also be rather subtle, and mellow.

In the title for this blog, not only did I take into account my resemblance to a peach, but also a certain mahayana metaphor about the realization of buddhahood.
One's buddhahood comes out of two sources, first of course is the seed (buddha nature) which grows its self into a tree (buddha), but often forgotten is the part of the tree, which pulls the seed into being.
I like the notion of this very much. I am now, all at once, the peach, the pit, and the peach tree. All of us are, really. I must say though, it feels grand to finally see this in myself.


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